Bullet Run is an online, multiplayer first person shooter. The theme of the game is that of a TV show set in the future where players create an avatar, and fight each other on a digital battlefield. This is a unique concept and the character progression is different from other FPS games. Players will be rewarded not only by the amount of kills they have but also by the way they got them.
After you first enter the game, you can create a character. The creation process is quite limited here, you can only choose between genders, some facial types and the skin tone. However, after that you can go to the marketplace, where you can further customize your character's clothes, weapons and skills for a price. You do get a decent amount of credits at the beginning, and you'll be able to buy some new clothes.
Gameplay-wise, Bullet Run is full of fun. It is very fast-paced and because of its very large variety of weapons you're unlikely to get bored. Also the game gets new content added with every new update. Currently, there are only two game modes available: Dominion and Team Deathmatch. In the Dominion mode, one team has to defend certain points on the map, while the other team has to capture them. Team deathmatch is much more chaotic, and the team which gets the most kills, wins. The character progression system is based on how many fans you get during the matches. Once you get passed a certain number, you'll increase your rank. A higher rank means that you can unlock new weapons and skills that can later be bought with credits. This system is very nicely designed because even players who don't perform very well will still get a decent amount of fans and credits per match.
The game mechanics are very nicely tuned. Guns have a realistic recoil and also aiming properly will increase the accuracy. The match-making system isn't that good at the moment. You are very likely to fight against players which are with at least 10 ranks above you, if you use the quick match feature. You can try to manually find a match for lower ranks but there is hardly anything to keep the higher ranked player out. That means they can join as well if they wish and create an unbalanced game.
Bullet Run still feels like it needs more tweaking here and there but it is most likely going to be one of the finest FPS online games out there. Also it is offered as free-to-play, however, there is an optional subscription which does give a lot of benefits since some content can only be unlocked with real money.